YEMEN Press Agency

Coronavirus cases around world exceed 49 million cases

LONDON, Nov. 6 (YPA) – The number of people infected with Corona virus has exceeded 49 million infected cases, and the United States topped the affected countries with nearly 10 million cases.

According to ‘’ website’s statistics, which specializes in monitoring victims of the deadly virus, the number of people infected with the Coronavirus in the world has reached 49,122,214 people.

The United States tops the list of countries with the most recorded cases with 9,926,637 cases, followed by India with 8,411,724, then Brazil with 5,614,258.

Russia ranks fourth, followed by France, Spain, Argentina, Britain, Colombia, and Mexico, according to the website.

The website mentioned that the virus has led to the death of 1,241,143 people, while 35,038,682 patients have recovered.