YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi Arabia brings British officers to Mahra, eastern Yemen

MAHRA, Oct. 14 (YPA) – A local official in Mahra province said on Wednesday that “the Saudi occupation” had brought two British officers to Al-Ghaydah city, the capital of the province.

Bader ‘Kalashat’, undersecretary of Mahra province, confirmed in a tweet on Twitter that Saudi Arabia has brought two British officers to Al-Ghaydah airport, in conjunction with the 57th anniversary of the October 14th revolution against British colonialism.

“It is regrettable that the 57th anniversary of the October Revolution has come with the return of the British occupation again through the coalition forces that brought British officers to Al-Ghaydah airport,” Kalashat explained.

Saudi forces took control of Al-Ghaydah airport in November 2017, and made it a Saudi-British-American military base on the Arabian Sea.

Dozens of Yemeni activists opposing the Saudi presence are detained in one of the secret prisons that were created at the airport in early 2018, and a number of detained activists have been transferred to prisons in the Kingdom.