YEMEN Press Agency

Emir of “ISIS” organization killed in Bayda

BAYDA, Aug. 20 (YPA) – The emir of “ISIS” organization in Yemen was killed in a tight ambush on Thursday in Bayda province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

The official affirmed that the terrorist Abu Al-Walid Al-Adani, called emir of the terrorist organization of ISIS, was killed as a result of the ambush carried out by the Yemeni army in Qaiva area of Raada district during the last week.

During the ambush, the terrorist “Salem Hassan al-Saaimi with 40 of the organization’s members were arrested by the army in the district.

The spokesman of the Yemeni army Yahya Sarie affirmed in a news statement that over 250 of ISIS and al-Qaeda organizations’ members were killed and wounded during the military operation that hit the organizations-held areas in the province two day ago.