YEMEN Press Agency

STC military commander wounded in lahj

LAHJ, July 16 (YPA) – A military commander loyal to the UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC)’s militia was injured on Thursday in violent clashes with gunmen in the vicinity of al-Anad base in Lahj province, local sources said.

According to the local sources, the commander of the so-called “security belt forces” , Sameer Saleh Yusuf al-Massawdi, was wounded when tribal gunmen attacked a military outpost, demanding the release of abductees in the prisons of al-Anad base in Tuban.

The sources explained that the al-Massawdi was taken to a hospital for treatment, indicating that the STC elements arrested some of the attackers , while others fled.

Earlier this week, armed elements of the leader Hamdi Shukri al-Subihi imposed an armed cordon on the Al-Anad axis, cutting off the STC’s supplies from Radfan, Yafa