YEMEN Press Agency

Tehran criticizes Saudi Arabia for not determining fate of Hajj

TEHRAN, June 22 (YPA) – The Iranian Hajj and Visitation Organization on Monday criticized Saudi authorities for not determining the fate of an important issue such as the Hajj (pilgrimage) for this year.

Head of the Iranian Hajj and Visitation Organization, Ali Reza Rashidian, said in a press statement, reported by the Iranian media, that Tehran had directed a fundamental criticism to the Saudi officials for not holding a meeting and inviting delegates of Islamic countries to determine the fate of an important issue such as the Hajj obligation, which is a legitimate duty.

“Despite our continuous follow-up to the fate of the Hajj obligation, we have not yet received any specific response from Saudi officials other than their call to be patient and that the fate of the pilgrimage will be announced soon,” Rachidian added.

Rachidian affirmed that Tehran, as an Islamic country, had submitted proposals to the Saudi Ministry of Hajj to improve safety and security in the light of the outbreak of the “COVID-19” pandemic.

He said that Tehran has taken all the necessary precautions to send Iranian pilgrims and conclude housing, transportation, nutrition contracts and others.