YEMEN Press Agency

STC seizes seven containers full of money in Aden

ADEN, June 13 (YPA) – The UAE-backed Southern Transitional Council (STC) militias seized seven containers full of printed money in Russia that belonging to Bank of Hadi government in the southern port city of Aden, local sources reported.

“The money was transferred to the Jabal Hadid camp in the Khor Maksar region of the STC,” sources added

In the same context, the so-called economic committee loyal to the STC said, in a statement, that it has seized a number of containers carrying new banknotes that were destined for the central bank this morning to speculate on the local currency on the black market, which is experiencing a major collapse in foreign currencies, which has led to a rise in food prices.

According to the statement, Hadi’s government was planning to “spend this money” on the ministers Ahmed al-Maisari and Saleh al-Jabwani to “send it for terrorist forces in order to cause chaos in the southern provinces.”

In the meantime, the STC’s committee has taken a decision to reserve the containers till the Hadi government committed to pay bills of oil derivatives for electricity service, which estimated over 100 million dollars,” the statement read..

Until this problem is resolved, the economic committee for Self-rule will Keeping up with these containers, the statement added.