YEMEN Press Agency

Al-Houthi highlights most important requirements for Yemenis’ survival

SANAA, May 17 (YPA) -Leading member in the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi highlighted the most important requirements for the survival of all Yemenis at the current stage.

Mohammed al-Houthi said in a tweet early this morning: “Highlighting the siege, refusing entry of supplies and tests, and refusing to end the aggression is what the media and activist should now be concerned and highlighted with awareness.”

He commented on the outbreak of so-called “fevers” and the increasing in number of deaths in Aden province to more than 828 in a week, saying :”the fevers in the country need tests and It is absolutely not correct to announce any cases before they are confirmed..”

On the other hand, Mohammed Ali al-Houthi also proved the inhumanity of the Saudi-led coalition and the United Arab Emirates and supported by the United States and the United Kingdom.

The coalition lack the lowest standards of humanity, compared to what Yemen is suffering as a result of the war, the embargo and coronavirus, he confirmed .

He said: “America, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and the rest of its allies in the region are besieging and attacking Arab countries, including Yemen, Sana’a, Qatar Doha, Palestine, and there are other countries that we leave to the followers to comment on them,” referring to Syria, Libya and others.

“These criminal practices have not stopped even in light of the spread of the new Covid -19 virus,” said Mohammed al-Houthi. “What humanity do they claim?” he asked.

He called on all free countries to put pressure on the aggression to lift the blockade and let the entry of all required supplies and tests instead of looking for numbers.

The country is full of fever diseases and it is not right to announce cases before confirming them,” he said, warning “citizens not to be dragged behind the terror.”