YEMEN Press Agency

Pakistani security thwarts terrorist operation

SANAA, March 9 (YPA) – Pakistani security forces on Monday thwarted a major terrorist attack in the city of Deira Ismail Khan in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, northwest of the country.

The Pakistani army said in a press statement that a group of security forces raided a site of terrorist elements based on intelligence information, where an exchange of fire led to the success of the security forces in eliminating two terrorist elements, confiscating a large amount of weapons and explosives, and maps of sensitive sites and devices Telecom.

The statement added that the operation also led to the killing of an officer with the rank of colonel, noting that the terrorists who were killed were wanted by the security services for their involvement in many terrorist acts, and were planning to carry out a new terrorist operation on a sensitive target.

For his part, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan praised the success of the security forces in thwarting the terrorist operation.