YEMEN Press Agency

Protest rally held in Hodiedah to condemn coalition crimes

HODEIDAH, March 8 (YPA) – A protest rally was staged on Sunday by residents of Hodeidah province to denounce the crimes and violations committed by the Saudi-led aggression coalition against the Yemeni people.

The participants, at the rally, called to continue to mobilize and back the Yemeni army with fighters in the combat fronts for repelling the aggression and its plots.

The protesters stressed the importance of establishing and adhering to a faith identity in the heart of the Yemeni society.

They calling on the United Nations to fulfill the international commitments to lift the siege and enter food and medical aid to citizens in al-Durayhimi district.

The rally praised great triumphs made by the Yemeni army and popular forces in defending the homeland and its sovereignty.