YEMEN Press Agency

3 people killed in Kabul attack

SANAA, March 8 (YPA) – Three people, including a member of the eastern Logar State Council, were killed and one person wounded in a shooting attack in the Afghan capital, Kabul, on Sunday, police said.
“Firdaus Varamers, a Kabul police official, was quoted as saying:” Naser Khairat, a member of Logar Provincial Council and two of his guards, was killed and his driver was injured after a shooting incident in the area of ​​Syed Noor Muhammad Shah Mina. ”

The militants fled the scene after the attack, which took place in the eighth police area, on the southeastern side of Kabul.

Hamzah Jaafari, a local official and civil society activist, was shot dead in the city of Ghazni, the capital of the neighboring Ghazni province, on Saturday.

More than 3,400 civilians were killed and more than 6,900 others wounded last year, according to numbers published by the United Nations Mission in attacks in the country under US occupation 18 years ago.