YEMEN Press Agency

Turkey admits new losses in Syrian countryside of Idlib

DAMASCUS, March 4 (YPA) – Turkish Ministry of Defense on Wednesday admitted that two of its soldiers were killed and six wounded by Syrian army fire in Idlib province, northwest of the country.

The ministry stated, in a statement issued Wednesday, that two Turkish soldiers were killed during the operations carried out against the sites of the Syrian army in Idlib, indicating that 3,138 elements of the Syrian regime have been neutralized since the start of “Spring Shield” operation in Idlib.

This brings the death toll of the Turkish army (according to what Ankara recognized) to 59 soldiers, including 34 who were killed by Syrian bombing at a gathering in the town of Billion, south of Idlib, a few days ago.

Military experts believe that the number of Turkish dead is much greater than the official figures of the Turkish Defense Ministry, and that the Syrian army made a decision to return the Turkish soldiers horizontally (dead) after they came vertically (live).