YEMEN Press Agency

Cases of COVID-19 exceed 80,000 in China

BEIJING, March 4 (YPA) – The Chinese authorities announced on Wednesday that the number of people infected with Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in the country has risen to 80,270 cases, while 49,856 have recovered since the outbreak of the disease in the country.

“38 new deaths were registered during the past 24 hours, as the number of deaths rose to 2,981, and the number of infected case rose to 80,270 cases, while 49,856 cases recovered after treatment,” the National Health Commission of China said.

On Tuesday, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the number of people infected with COVID-19 outside of Chinese territory had risen to more than 10,000.

The organization said in a statement: “During the last 24 hours, 1,792 new cases of COVID-19 were registered outside Chinese territory, bringing the number of infected people to 10,566 in 72 countries, and the number of deaths rose to 166 (37 deaths during the last 24 hours.”

According to WHO, the number of people infected with COVID-19 in China reached 80,304, and the deaths reached 2,946, while the number of people infected with the virus worldwide reached 90,870.

On Monday, scientists warned that the emerging virus may become “permanent” or “seasonal”, meaning that it will not disappear at all.