YEMEN Press Agency

Supreme Security Committee condemns Saudi occupation’s violations in Mahra

SANAA, Feb. 18 (YPA) – The Supreme Security Committee on Tuesday condemned the criminal violations committed by Saudi occupation forces in Fujiet area in Habrout village of Shahin district in Mahra province, eastern Yemen.


In a statement issued earlier in the day, the Security Committee confirmed its rejection and condemnation of the brutal aggression and the daily air and ground bombing and military actions continuously practiced by the Saudi occupation militias against the people of Mahra.


The statement called on all the people of the provinces located under the Saudi-Emirati occupation, including Mahra, to refuse tutelage and resist the invaders and aggressors until liberating all Yemen areas.


The Committee also called on the international community, the Security Council, and the UN envoy to Yemen to assume responsibility for stopping these barbaric and unjustified Saudi violations against Yemeni people in Mahra and the other occupied Yemeni provinces.