YEMEN Press Agency

Libya: GNA accuses Haftar of violating ceasefire agreement

SANAA, Jan. 27 (YPA) – Mohammed Kanunu, a military spokesman for the Government of National Accord (GNA), accused Haftar Militias of violating the ceasefire agreement again following the attack in the Abu Qarin area, some 200 kilometers east of the capital Tripoli.

In a press statement, Kanunu said Haftar and his militia had demonstrated once again that they had no covenant and no charter after carrying out a ground attack on Abu Garin and Al-Qaddahiya with the support of a foreign airline.

He added that their forces destroyed a number of armed vehicles and took control of Egyptian-made ammunition and military equipment.

He said they arrested a number of “rebel militias, including mercenaries, while the rest fled, leaving the bodies of their dead burning inside military vehicles”.

The Libyan army spokesman called on civilians in the area from Abu Qarin to Sirte and Al-Jaffar a stay away from militia and mercenaries positions so that they would not be used as human shields, he said.

Haftar’s spokesman, Ahmed al-Masmari, said the operation in the Abu Qarin area in southern Misrata was not an attack , but it was pre-emptive, saying its purpose was to prevent the mobilization of “militia” forces.

He stressed that this operation “is not a violation of the ceasefire” and represents “a message to the enemy that the armed forces are very aware of the movements that violate the ceasefire, and will respond with all force”.

The Anger Volcano forces loyal to the Libyan Government  announced on Sunday that they had regained control of the area of Abu Qarin, south of the strategic city of Misrata, hours after Haftar’s forces took control of it.