YEMEN Press Agency

In anticipation of possible Iranian response, US, UK, Israel mobilize their forces

SANAA, Jan. 3 (YPA) – The United States of America, Britain and Israel mobilized their forces on Friday, following the death of the former commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Qassem Soleimani in a US air strike in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad.

The Zionist newspaper “Yediot Aharonot” revealed that “C-5 Galaxy” planes of the US Air Force, which is the heaviest strategic intercontinental air transport aircraft, are on their way from the United States to the Middle East.

The British “Sky News” network said on Friday that Britain has tightened security measures and raised the level of readiness in the British military bases in the Middle East, after the killing of Soleimani.

A spokesman for the British Ministry of Defense said, in response to a question about the British network report, that “the security and safety of our soldiers are of the utmost importance and we are putting measures to protect our forces under constant review.”

He added “We do not comment on specific measures to protect the forces. ”

The network revealed that Britain has about 400 military personnel in Iraq, who assist in training works in the country, and most of them are located at Taji base, north of Baghdad.

On the other hand, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut short his visit to Greece after the killing of Soleimani.