YEMEN Press Agency

Military commander loyal to coalition survives assassination attempt in Aden

ADEN, Dec. 23 (YPA) – A military commander loyal to Saudi-led coalition has survived an assassination attempt in the southern port city of Aden  night, sources said on Sunday.

According to the sources, that military police chief in Aden survived an assassination attempt, confirming that the assassination attempt was carried out by an improvised explosive device planted in his car.

The IED’s explosion caused extensive damage to the car in the Tawahi neighborhood, one of the sources said.

As a part of insecurity and chaos, violent clashes erupted among factions of the UAE-backed southern transitional council in the province, local sources reported.

The clashes erupted inside the central bank as a result of disagreement over who would receive the salaries first.

The clashes caused three injuries, one of them a civilian.

Aden and other southern provinces have been witnessing assassinations and security disorder since United Arab Emirates occupation forces took control over the city.