YEMEN Press Agency

Hadhramaut to be divided into two provinces: Hadi’s minister

HADHRAMAUT, Dec. 9 (YPA) -The so-called minister of local administration, Abdul Raqeeb Saif Fatah Al-Aswadi in the Saudi-led coalition-backed government  has revealed a planned decision for Hadi to split the occupied Hadhramaut province into two provinces.

Fatah said the division of Hadhramaut province into two provinces has become a realistic thing that needs to be implemented.

He pointed out that there is a presidential committee consist of the minister of local administration and officials in Saudi-backed government, along with three Saudi experts and a French expert, in order to develop a full study in various geographical, administrative, local and political aspects.

“Hadhramout province has an area of about 193,032 square kilometers spread over 30 directorates, including about 23 directorates in the valley and desert and seven directorates in the coast.”

According to Fatah, the administrative division of the number of directorates for the two provinces will be equally for each province.

He expected that the exiled Hadi to make a decision to announce the two provinces early in the new year.

Observers pointed out that the division of Hadhramaut province are steps to implement the agendas and interests of the coalition countries, in plundering wealth and taking over an area of Yemeni territory.