YEMEN Press Agency

Yemenis alone who decide their fate: Ansarullah’s Member

SANAA, Dec. 7 (YPA) – Ansarullah Political Bureau member and Deputy Director of the Presidential Office Salim al-Mughallis on Saturday said that Yemen’s future cannot be determined by neither Washington nor Riyadh nor Abu Dhabi, as that only belongs to Yemeni people alone.

In a post on his Facebook page, in response to the provocative statements of Saudi Minister Adel Al-Jubeir about Yemen, al-Mughallis called on Saudi regime and Americans to comprehend the developments and the reality as “today’s Yemen is not like yesterday’s Yemen.”

He stressed that it has become very impossible to return Yemen to what it was from the dependency or that Saudis and Americans would have any role in the future of Yemen.

Al-Mughallis affirmed that Yemen today qualifies day by day and prepares to make transformations in the region.

“The mercenary and slavery regimes, topped by Saudi regime, have to understand the reality and that it is in their interest to move quickly to end their aggression and lift their unjust siege on the Yemeni people,” he said.

Concerning Yemen’s position on peace, al-Mughallis said “Yemen’s position has been stable since the first day of the aggression and has not changed.”

He confirmed the Yemeni people’s insistence on obtaining their freedom and independence and owning their decision and will without any external interference.