ADEN, Dec. 2 (YPA) – Southern political writer, Wadah Bin Atayyh has accused Hadi’s government of carrying out all the assassinations in the Southern Port City of Aden.
“100 days since the expulsion of Hadi’s government, we have not heard of any assassinations and days after they returned back, the assassinations returned to Aden,” Bin Atayyh wrote in a tweet on Sunday.
مئة يوم منذ طرد الحكومة ولم نسمع عن أي عملية إغتيال وبعد عودتها بأيام عادت عمليات الاغتيال إلى عدن ..
اغتيال مدير البحث الجنائي بشرطة المنصورة اليوم أمام بيته وفرار الجناة مؤشر خطير ..
— وضاح بن عطية (@atayyh) December 1, 2019
“The assassination of the director of criminal investigation department in Mansoura district, Salah al-Hujairi, today in front of his house and the escape of the perpetrators is a dangerous sign, he added.