YEMEN Press Agency

13 civilians killed, injured in car bomb explosion in Syria

SANAA, Dec. 1 (YPA) – 13 Syrians were killed and wounded in a car bomb explosion on Saturday evening in the northern countryside of Raqqa, where the Turkish occupation forces are deployed and takfiri groups supported by them.

Syrian news agency “SANA” quoted local sources as saying: The car bomb in volumes of explosive materials exploded today in the center of the town of Ain al-Arous south of Tal Abyad in the northern countryside of Raqqa, which led to the death and injury of 13 civilians and material damage to homes and property.

Since the occupation of the Turkish regime and its mercenaries from the terrorist organizations that have been trained and armed in Turkey, the chaos, insecurity and conflicts between the terrorist groups and their leaders are spreading in order to share influence and control the people’s property and control their fate.