YEMEN Press Agency

Mohammed al-Houthi welcomes Saudi-led coalition’s statement about releasing 200 prisoners

SANAA, Nov. 27 (YPA) – Member of the Supreme Political Council Yemeni supreme, Mohammed al-Houthi, has welcomed the Saudi-led Coalition’s recent action in releasing 200 prisoners of the Yemeni army and popular committees.

” We welcome the news of the release of 200 captives by the American-Saudi-UAE coalition and its allies and we call for a halt to torture and employing coercive measures against the prisoners,” Mohammed Ali al-Houthi wrote in his tweet.

“We call for the release of all prisoners and detainees from the coalition’s prisons,” he stated.

He stressed that the freed prisoners will receive a warm welcome when they arrived home.

“We hope that the lists handed out in the 200 statements are for those included in the Stockholm negotiations and not people imprisoned for personal cases for residence irregularities or anything else, as some have been released in previous years for suspicions or personal cases,” al-Houthi added.