YEMEN Press Agency

#Yemen’s Islah Islamic party leaders attack UAE

SANAA, June 22 (YPA) – #Saudi-backed Yemen’s Islah Islamic party (Brotherhood)’s leader on Saturday threatened to wage an attack against United Arabia Emirates (UAE) and its militias in Yemen’s southern province of Abyan.

Leader Salem al-Awlaqi, said on his Twitter account, that the UAE and its tools wanted to blow up the situation and created security disorder in the southern provinces.

The move came following the fierce clashes between the Saudi-backed mercenaries and militias backed by the UAE in Ataq city of Shabwah province during the past two days, killing dozens of both sides.
The UAE is seeking in an attempt to wage an attack on the mercenaries and take over Zanjubar city of Abyan.

Since March 26, 2015, the Saudi-led coalition, including UAE, has waged a military action against the Yemeni army, people and Yemen’s sovereignty in flagrant violations of the international conventions.

Ali Ahsan