YEMEN Press Agency

Iran’s IRGC shoots down US spy drone

SANAA, June 20 (YPA) – Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) on Thursday said that it has shot down a US spy drone in the Hormozgan province.

The Iranian Revolutionary Guards said in a statement that the incident occurred in the early hours of dawn on Thursday.

“The air defense of the Revolutionary Guard’s forces have targeted and shot down a US spy plane,” the statement said, after the plane penetrated Iran’s airspace in the area of Koh Mubarak in Hormozgan province.

The tension between Iran and the United States has increased significantly in the Gulf region recently on the backdrop of attacks on four commercial oil ships near the UAE shores on May 12 and two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman on June 13.

The United States accused Iran of being behind the attacks, without providing any evidence, while Iran has denied the allegations.