YEMEN Press Agency

Temple groups threaten to break into al-Aqsa at end of Ramadan

SANAA, May 14 (YPA) – The alleged “temple groups”have announced their intention to disobey the decisions of the Israeli police and storm the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque on the second of June.

Earlier, the Israeli police forces had forbidden such an attack on the Compound, which is officially Jordanian territory, in order to prevent further conflict. However, in earlier similar incidents the police forces have often proven to not intervene in any way to stop the extremists from illegally entering the sanctuary and disrupt Islamic prayers.

June 2 of this year will be the 28th day of the fasting month of Ramadan in the Islamic Hijri calendar, and coincides with what the Zionist occupation entity calls “Jerusalem Day”, the anniversary of the total occupation of Jerusalem al-Quds by Zionist forces in 1967.

The “temple groups” demanded that the decision be cancelled immediately, claiming that it would “rally thousands to confront and break into it [Al-Aqsa] at the same day. ”

One of the extremists in these groups petitioned the Supreme Court of occupation to annul the decision, saying that they were “prepared to fight for the maximum intrusion that day.”

In the same context, the temple groups further revealed their intention to communicate with members of the Knesset in order to pressure Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to form a new government and to allow them to enter to the holy place on the 28th of Ramadan.

The Al-Aqsa mosque is usually closed in the face of extremist Jewish incursions throughout the last 10 days of Ramadan each year, in anticipation of the vast numbers of Muslims that visit the holy place in that time of year.