YEMEN Press Agency

Saudi-led coalition pounds residential areas in Hodediah

HODEIDAH, May 2 (YPA) – The US and British-backed Saudi-UAE-led war coalition and its mercenaries on Thursday heavy fired artillery at residential neighborhood of Hodeidah province, a military official told Yemen Press Agency.

The shelling hit July 7, Tuhytah, al-Jabalih areas, inflicting heavy damage to house and properties of citizens.

The coalition escalation came in light of a series violating the cease-fire truce brokered by the UN in Swede’s agreement and preparing to resume of the military escalation on the city.

Last Friday, the so-called “quartet” states held a meeting to give 18 days for the warring parties to implement the agreement, describing as a green light to resume the war in Hodeidah.

The UN-brokered truce went into force in Dec, 18, 2018.

Ali Ahsan

