YEMEN Press Agency

Iraqi popular crowd foils rocket attack in Mosul

SANAA, Jan. 12 (YPA) – The Iraqi popular crowd announced on Friday that a rocket attack targeting Kairouan area west of Mosul had been foiled and mortar bombs, rockets and bombs were seized during a field survey in the area.

In a statement, the forces of the 29th Brigade and the anti-explosives operations west of Mosul carried out a field survey in the village of Ain Ghazal, Tal Qasab and Talat Banat in Kairouan, where hundreds of explosive remnants of ISIS have been lifted and processed “ISIS” some of which have been safely disposed of.

The statement added that the operation resulted in the finding of 40 mortar rounds, lifting a lens repellent package, raising a Katyusha rocket and raising a rocket designed to launch.