YEMEN Press Agency

Army arrests American citizen with 2 of his companions in Bayda

BAYDA, July 3 (YPA) – The Yemen army on Monday arrested an American citizen with two of his companions in Bayda, an official told Yemen Press Agency on Tuesday.
The army forces launched a surprise attack on coalition forces in Qanya area, surrounded the commander of the coalition forces Colonel, Taleb Naji al-Qardai, who holds US citizenship, with two of his companions, while fleeing his group and killed dozens of them.
Al-Qarda’i, who holds US citizenship, was head of the Yemenite community in New York, and then joined exile President Hadi’s forces in Marib on the early days of the coalition war to lead Bayda Front, replacing Aqili, who was killed last month by fires of the army.

On the other hand, the army and the People’s Committees made progress in Bayda Front and managed to control the whole area of Qana during the days of Eid.


Sameera Hassn